petek, 13. junij 2008

4th and 5th task cancelled due to rain

Yesterday the morning already showed us that it won`t be flying day. The day before my friends came to see me from Tolmin. We thought about possibilities where to go on that kind of cloudy day.
Now I found out how good can be Garmin Nuwi, we opened it in the morning and searhed for the swiming pools in surounding of Greifenburg. We went to Erwachsener where they had a small pool where we stayed for 5 hours. At least some moving in that kind of weather. After that we went also to see Weissensee above Greifenburg.
What about today? It is raining hard all the time so we will have to get trough this. Thank god for the caravan wich is at least more dry than a tent.
Desiree thank you for the comment and Rob, you are on a flyer of the Europian championship :) Hope we bring one home to show it to you.
For tommorow weather looks a bit better but still the task is under question.

Best regards from the small cravan in the Flieger camp

1 komentar:

Matjaž Valjavec pravi ...

I hope wheather will get better for you in next few days - however if the long term forcast holds (10 day forecast on june 13th) then ... Anyway if that forecast is to hapen, then forget all about flying and try this.