ponedeljek, 28. april 2008

Greifenburg the spot to fly

Finally the austrians puted the wirelles price a bit down, so you are able to have it all the time here in the bar of the Flieger camp. Last 2 days we were making short tasks with XC group.
Yesterday was THE DAY, cloud base up to 3200 m, so we set the task to 48 km. A lot of pilots from the group made it and enjoyed the great high views of the Alps.
Today it was a bit more dificult but still possible to make a short task over the valley. It is a new experience for me and I like it. Rob and Desiree are making a great job with their scholl. I am amased of how much effort they are taking for their schollers to get the best of hang gliding in the safest way. Truly a people that this sports need.

Here are some pictures from last 2 days.

1 komentar:

Anonimni pravi ...

Živ Matjaž,
Očitno se mate fajn gor v raju za XC ;) Gledam mal padalce k furajo 200+ km... No tle je bla nedelja prava bomba :)
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