ponedeljek, 24. marec 2008

Last days/pictures

Got back home. Today the snow was almost to the Bassano so no task in past 2 days. The second task was set, and theorganizators pushed us trough the clouds on the start, but after the start the huge front came and everything was sucked up. I ran for 22km out from Bassano all the time strugling to get down. Can`t tell you how happy I was on the ground. The wind at the landing was so strong. I was ready to crash but after some realy dangerous unwilling turns I got safe to the ground. The wind was so strong that I couldn`t get the glider in to the back position. There I stud, for 10 minutes before one guy saw me and helped me, so I was able to put the nose wires down and then pack the glider. Of course the task was cancelled.
It is good to be back in a hot place like home :))
Too bad that the weather did not come better, but hey, that`s our sport.
Dogs at the start

On the road to Bassano

Our caravan

On the start

Me and my friend Alan

Alan starting

The car being fixed

Me starting

Waiting to get to the start

petek, 21. marec 2008

Overpowered :)

Such a great day.. The day before we were told that weather will be realy good. At the start the task was set to 100km over the long ridge over Bassano. I was little late but came to a start cilinder at a perfect time. We flew the task wich had a lot wind changes. Biggest height of the day was 3700m, I was at 2900.  Sometimes I was low but went ahead with no prolems.

The goal was under me.

3 hours of flying were hard with out any fizical condition in my arms. I even could not pulll the VG full on at the final glide, due to the pain in my mussles. At the landing I thought I was somewhere betwen 40 and 50…. J

After the landing my friend called me, he landed 50 km away from the landing so me and my girlfriend took the ride.

Last 50 m before we found him, the car brokedown. In the middle of NOWHERE.

The exostion in the head was even worser after that. After 200m of bumpy ride, we had luck and found the MAN truck servis with lights on.

The guy said that we can not drive anymore furder. He was able to fix it in the morning next day. How to come back? Where to put the gliders????

The guy was so nice that we were able to put the car with gliders in to the garage under the key. And he also drove us back to the camp. SUCH A SAVIOUR.

Today in the morning we went with my friends car and took the car fixed back home, but we were late for the competition.

We came to the start after the briefing puting the gliders fast together. Quick look at the results showed that I was 25, the day before …????

Niice J

Todays task was cancelled due to no thermal activities and overcast so we just jumped down to the landing.

For tomorow it looks bad so we will se.



sreda, 19. marec 2008

Arrival and flying/prihod in letenje

Yesterday we have managed to get to Bassano. Paragliders were already flying under the dark clouds. After looking at the weather forecast in the morning it was exciting. But the best part came today. Height up to 2000 m, flying out to the flatland with a lot of thermal activities outside also. My harness is now better when I fixed some things, so we are ready for tomorows first task.
Camping is freezing but yet comftorbale with small electric heather (many problems with getting electricity to the caravan. I hope that phone intenet conection will last, yesterday I was not able to send the mail to blogspot. Hope to get some wirelles for pictures.
No pa nam je uspelo prist do Bassana. Padalci so tukaj že leteli pod črnimi oblaki do poznega večera. To je bila vspoda glede na napoved katero sem pregledoval doma pred odhodom. Najboljši del pa je prišel danes, višine do 2000m pod bazo, letenje nad ravnino z veliko termike, tudi buba je sedaj tekmovalno izpravna, tako da tudi roke ne bolijo več toliko. Kamp je zmrznjen ampak z majhnim električnim grelcem se da preživeti. Elektrika do prikolice je pa druga štorija :) Včeraj mi ni uspelo poslati novice na blog zato ker delam preko telefona in je tukaj zelo slab signal. Ko najdem wirelles pa dobite tudi slike. Res je bil fantastičen dan, menda tudi pri nas.

ponedeljek, 17. marec 2008

Bassano del Grappa (Monte Grappa trophy)

Tomorow I am leaving for my first competition this year. I will be writing down what is going on at the competition right here in my blog.
I am leaving two days before to get one flight before the competition. It is better to feel the air before the real thing begin.
I hope I will get some internet conection to get some pictures here also and of course after the comp some video about the happenings in Bassano del Grapa.

Official web site of the comp is http://www.aeroclubmontegrappa.it/
There will also be a paragliding competiton at the same spot at the same time, so croudly skies are waiting for us down there :=)
You are welcome to comment the posts.

Jutri oddideva z Neno proti Bassanu na prvo tekmo v letošnjem letu. Tukaj se bom potrudil opisati dogodke tekom tega tedna.
Odhajam dva dni prej ravno zato, da izkusim letenje na tem predelu preden se prava stvar prične. Upam da staknem kje kak wirelles in vam s tem ponudim tudi slike dogajanja iz Bassana.
Svojo tekmo bodo imeli tudi padalci, tako da lahko pričakujem zabasano nebo nad Bassanom.

Uradna stran tekmovanja je http://www.aeroclubmontegrappa.it/
Komentarji so na tej strani dobrodošli.


četrtek, 6. marec 2008